Pink Intimate Care

Pinkintimate Pink Intimate System SRB FT

  • [What is intimate care, also known as private care?]

Private care or intimate care typically refers to special care and hygiene practices for private parts such as the genital area. This includes gentle cleansing, maintaining dryness, and using products suitable for the skin in these intimate areas to ensure personal hygiene and prevent potential skin discomfort or infections. "Pinkintimate" technology may involve techniques for whitening or caring for intimate areas, aimed at improving the appearance and texture of the skin. Overall, private care not only focuses on cleanliness and hygiene but also includes methods to enhance the appearance of the skin and improve comfort.

The "Pinkintimate" technology is usually suitable for areas such as the areola, perianal area, external genitalia, and other relatively darker parts of the body (such as fingers, ankles, feet, fatty cellulite, bikini area, underarms, groin, inner thighs). This technique is aimed at improving the skin's tone, giving it a more uniform and glossy appearance.

The actual process entails using specific products or procedures (such as Pinkintimate's anti-aging goddess private whitening, whitening cream, laser/pulsed light therapy, etc.) to brighten darker areas of the skin, giving them a rosier hue. During this process, professionals tailor advice and treatment plans according to individual needs to achieve an improved skin appearance.

  • [Private Care / Intimate Treatment Areas/Locations]

1. Underarms, stretch marks, cellulite

2. Areola (commonly used for areola whitening in Japanese clinics)

3. Mons pubis, labia majora

4. Perianal area, inguinal region

5. Dull areas of the body (Caution: Be careful when performing procedures on the face)

KeywordsPromolitian Pinkintimate